The Village Hall celebrated their 40th Anniversary in 2015

What many will not know is that the Community Newsletter has been running for almost as long. Many of the earlier editions of the newsletter are in the secure hands of the Caerwent Historic Trust.

The newsletter has taken many forms over the years but it was decided that from January 2016 it would undertake a major overhaul.

The old black & white version will be replaced by a new A4 sized colour production and will offer the opportunity for all community groups to submit articles for inclusion.

The main contributors in the community are Caerwent Playing Fields Association, Caerwent Community Council, Caerwent Church, Caerwent Baptist Chapel, Caerwent Historic Trust and Caerwent Youth Club.

The annual cost of the newsletter to be delivered to your door is only £5

If you dont currently receive the newsletter and would like a copy in future please either email us at

[email protected]

or visit our contact page for other methods to contact us.

We have many different ways to pay including cash, cheque, direct debit, and bank transfer.

We hope in the future to make the newsletter available online.

To see our Advertising costs please follow the link below

Advertising Costs 2019

We will shortly be introducing an archive of past Newsletters. There will be a 3 month gap between publication and the newsletter being placed on this site.

We are now starting to upload past editions of the newsletter to this site.

To access these please click here
